
150 Emotions in Basic English

Published 2 years ago · Updated 2 years ago
  • Accomplished: You feel satisfied with what you have achieved
  • Alienated: You feel strange and isolated
  • Alive: You feel full of energy
  • Amazed: You feel greatly surprised
  • Angry: You feel intense annoyance, displeasure, unhappiness, or dislike
  • Annoyed: You feel slightly angry
  • Anxious: You feel worried, nervous or uneasy because you don't know how something is going to turn out
  • Apathetic: You feel no interest, enthusiasm, or concern
  • Appreciated: You feel someone is grateful for what you did or what you are
  • Anxious: You feel worried or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
  • Ashamed: You feel of little worth because of who you are or what you've done
  • Easy: You feel relaxed and safe
  • Awkward: You feel uncomfortable but don't know exactly why
  • Balanced: You feel stable with no emotion too strong or too weak
  • Blessed: You feel pleasure or relief as a welcome contrast to what you have previously experienced
  • Blissful: You feel extremely happy and full of joy
  • Bored: You feel like you have a lack of interest in something or someone
  • Brave: You feel not afraid of something or someone
  • Burn out: You feel completely exhausted
  • Calm: You feel free from stress, excitement and worry
  • Carefree: You feel free from anxiety and responsibility
  • Challenged: You feel invited to a contest
  • Cheerful: You feel noticeably happy and optimistic.
  • Chill: You feel relaxed and at ease
  • Comfortable: You feel reduced physically and emotionally pain or discomfort
  • Compassionate: You feel sympathy and concern for others
  • Competent: You feel the ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully
  • Concerned: You feel like you wonder about how someone or something is doing
  • Confident: You feel sure about yourself and your abilities
  • Confused: You feel unable to think clearly
  • Connected: You feel connected to someone or part of your community
  • Contempt: You feel that someone or something is worthless or beneath you
  • Satisfied: You feel like your expectations, needs, or desires are met
  • Curious: You feel a wanting to know or learn something
  • Delighted: You feel greatly pleased by something or someone
  • Depressed: You feel extremely unhappy and depressed
  • Desire: You feel like you want to have something or wishing for something to happen
  • Despaired: You feel lose or without hope
  • Despondent: You feel low from loss of hope or courage
  • Decided: You feel safe by not changing a decision
  • Disappointed: You feel sad or unhappy because someone or something has not matched your hopes or expectations
  • Disconnected: You feel less contact to the world around you
  • Discouraged: You feel like you lost confidence or enthusiasm
  • Disengaged: You feel no will to put in extra efforts
  • Disgusted: You feel like you have a strong dislike for someone or something
  • Disheartened: You feel disappointed about something and have less confidence or less hope about it than you did before
  • Distracted: You feel like you have a hard time concentrating on something
  • Down: You feel sad and exhausted
  • Eager: You feel like you have a strong desire to do something
  • Ecstatic: You feel overwhelmed with joy
  • Elated: You feel extremely proud and overjoyed
  • Embarrassed: You feel insecure and uncomfortable with how others feel about you
  • Empowered: You feel the authority or power to do something
  • Energized: You feel strong and active
  • Engaged: You feel busy and interested
  • Enraged: You feel very angry
  • Enthusiastic: You feel very interested in an idea or activity
  • Envious: You feel like you want something that belongs to someone else
  • Excited: You feel intensely happy about something in the future
  • Excluded: You feel like you don't belong to someone or a group
  • Exhausted: You feel like you have no energy left
  • Exhilarated: You feel animated and happy
  • Fatigued: You feel weakened by repeated variations of stress
  • Fearful: You feel in danger or like something bad could happen
  • Focused: You feel engaged in only one idea or activity
  • Fomo: You feel afraid of missing out on something
  • Forlorn: You feel pitifully sad and lonely
  • Fragile: You feel easily broken or damaged
  • Frightened: You feel afraid of something
  • Frustrated: You feel upset because you can't do something
  • Fulfilled: You feel completely satisfied
  • Furious: You feel extremely angry and violent passion
  • Glum: You feel down and disappointed
  • Good: You feel like everything is fine
  • Grateful: You feel enjoyment of the good qualities of something or someone
  • Grieved: You feel sad about something you lost
  • Guilty: You feel responsible for a mistake you made
  • Happy: You feel pleasure and satisfaction
  • Heard: You feel heard and understood
  • Helpless: You feel like you can't do something
  • Hopeful: You feel optimistic that something good will happen
  • Hopeless: You feel that a situation is so bad that it is impossible to deal with
  • Humiliated: You feel ashamed of something that hurt your pride
  • Hyper: You feel energetic and excited
  • Impassioned: You feel filled with great emotion
  • Impatient: You feel like you find it difficult to keep calm
  • Awesome: You feel respect or warm approval
  • Included: You feel part of a group
  • Insecure: You feel unconfidently afraid
  • Inspired: You feel strongly influenced by something that motivates you
  • Pissed: You feel strong anger
  • Irritated: You feel slight anger or annoyance
  • Isolated: You feel cut off from others
  • Jealous: You feel afraid of losing something
  • Jerky: You feel nervous and restless
  • Joyful: You feel great pleasure and happiness
  • Livid: You feel extremely angry
  • Lonely: You feel sad because you're not connected to others
  • Lost: You feel far away and hopeless
  • Loved: You feel deep and strong affection